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What is a typical Avenues to Wealth client?

  • Eager to learn and take action towards improving your financial life.
  • Comfortable using technology such as Zoom and video chats and online banking. We serve clients across the nation through virtual meetings.
  • Overwhelmed with all of the decisions that affect your financial life such as investing, tax planning, repaying student loans, insurance, etc.
  • A busy professional who has no time for or interest in learning everything about personal finance.
  • Looking for personalized service that treats you like the unique individual you are.

Why should I hire you instead of doing it myself?

In the same way that our clients are professionals in their chosen fields, we are just that – professionals who can help you find success in your finances. The average investor rarely beats the market, or even matches it.  There are certain behaviors that most investors display that hurt returns in the long run, and emotion plays a big part in that.

We can help you create investment strategies that work for your particular situation what will help increase your returns and help reduce your risk.

Financial planning reaches beyond just investing. Let us help you create a plan that fits your unique and individual situation and life goals.  We can help you with managing a budget, choosing the right mutual funds, or paying off those stressful student loans.  We can help you focus on living your best life by helping you create a plan to address your concerns and goals.

What does fiduciary mean?

Being a fiduciary means that we are ethically bound to act in the best interest of our clients. In fact, we are bound to put your interests above our own. It’s the highest legal standard of care.  We are also legally liable for the advice we give.

We are also independent. We provide financial advice and suggest investment products that meet YOUR best interests, not products that help fill sales quotas or commissions.

Not all financial advisors are equal.

We want you to feel confident that you are working with an advisory group that not only holds themselves to a higher standard, but we are morally and legally obligated to put your interests ahead our own.

How do you get paid?

Some advisors are paid by commissions on the products they sell. Others are paid a fee for their services in addition to commissions under a fee-based structure.

The third type is fee-based advisement where advisors are paid purely by the fees their clients pay for their advice.  They do not earn commissions or even referral fees by third parties.  When this fee-based scenario is at play, it’s just another layer of insurance that your financial advisor is working solely for the benefit of his or her clients.  There are no hidden interests or payouts.

Do you hear financial terms but are unsure what they represent?

We offer educational seminars, blogs and podcasts on topics that are relevant to your life.

Are you paying a large amount in monthly subscriptions for services that you are not utilizing?

We offer packages that include budget analysis and subscription analysis.

Do you put money into your 401K but don’t know if you are in the correct portfolio for your current life situation?

We offer Employer Plan Analysis (including  401k, 403b, 457, etc.)

We Would Love to Hear From You!

“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.”

– Edmund Burke

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Avenues to Wealth

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