What To Do When Your Income Reaches 7 Figures
What To Do When Your Income Reaches 7 Figures Provided by Avenues to Wealth Did you recently add a second comma to your bank balance? Has a recent financial event raised your net worth to the next level? It's an exciting time, whether it's the result of your...
Silver Sneakers 101
Silver Sneakers 101 Provided by Avenues to Wealth Once you turn 65, the world of Medicare opens to you, and you also gain access to its offshoot supplemental programs. You likely know about Part A, Part B, Medicare Advantage, and other sections, but you may not...
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks Provided by Avenues to Wealth Did you know that... Sixty-one percent of American workers have no private short-term disability insurance.1,2 Sixty-seven percent of working people in the U.S. lack private long-term disability...
Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset?
Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset? Provided by Avenues to Wealth The federal estate tax threshold rose to $24.12 million in 2022 for married couples and $12.06 million for individuals, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Like several TCJA provisions,...
How Insurance Deductibles Work
How Insurance Deductibles Work Provided by Avenues to Wealth An insurance deductible is the amount you, the insured, pay before any claim is paid by your insurance carrier. Depending upon the type of insurance, a policy may set the amount of deductible, or...
Assess Life Insurance Needs
Assess Life Insurance Needs Provided by Avenues to Wealth If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an overlooked aspect of personal...
9 Facts About Retirement
9 Facts About Retirement Provided by Avenues to Wealth Retirement can have many meanings. For some, it will be a time to travel and spend time with family members. For others, it will be a time to start a new business or begin a charitable endeavor. Regardless...
Saving on Subscription Service Costs
Saving on Subscription Service Costs Provided by Avenues to Wealth The cost of subscription services can be pricey over time, especially if you have more than one or forget about them over time. Ways to Save on Your Subscription Services Take advantage of free...
Managing the Risk of Outliving Your Money
Managing the Risk of Outliving Your Money Provided by Avenues to Wealth "What is your greatest retirement fear?" If you ask some pre-retirees this question, "outliving my money" may be one of the top answers. In fact, 42% of workers say they fear outliving...
Best Vacations: By Car, By Ship, By Foot, Once in a Lifetime
Best Vacations: By Car, By Ship, By Foot, Once in a Lifetime Provided by Avenues to Wealth “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”¹ – Unknown If travel for you is less about escaping life and more about living it, then consider these vacation...
What To Do When Your Income Reaches 7 Figures
What To Do When Your Income Reaches 7 Figures Provided by Avenues to Wealth Did you recently add a second comma to your bank balance? Has a recent financial event raised your net worth to the next level? It's an exciting time, whether it's the result of your...
Silver Sneakers 101
Silver Sneakers 101 Provided by Avenues to Wealth Once you turn 65, the world of Medicare opens to you, and you also gain access to its offshoot supplemental programs. You likely know about Part A, Part B, Medicare Advantage, and other sections, but you may not...
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks Provided by Avenues to Wealth Did you know that... Sixty-one percent of American workers have no private short-term disability insurance.1,2 Sixty-seven percent of working people in the U.S. lack private long-term disability...
Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset?
Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset? Provided by Avenues to Wealth The federal estate tax threshold rose to $24.12 million in 2022 for married couples and $12.06 million for individuals, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Like several TCJA provisions,...
How Insurance Deductibles Work
How Insurance Deductibles Work Provided by Avenues to Wealth An insurance deductible is the amount you, the insured, pay before any claim is paid by your insurance carrier. Depending upon the type of insurance, a policy may set the amount of deductible, or...
Assess Life Insurance Needs
Assess Life Insurance Needs Provided by Avenues to Wealth If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an overlooked aspect of personal...
9 Facts About Retirement
9 Facts About Retirement Provided by Avenues to Wealth Retirement can have many meanings. For some, it will be a time to travel and spend time with family members. For others, it will be a time to start a new business or begin a charitable endeavor. Regardless...
Saving on Subscription Service Costs
Saving on Subscription Service Costs Provided by Avenues to Wealth The cost of subscription services can be pricey over time, especially if you have more than one or forget about them over time. Ways to Save on Your Subscription Services Take advantage of free...
Managing the Risk of Outliving Your Money
Managing the Risk of Outliving Your Money Provided by Avenues to Wealth "What is your greatest retirement fear?" If you ask some pre-retirees this question, "outliving my money" may be one of the top answers. In fact, 42% of workers say they fear outliving...
Best Vacations: By Car, By Ship, By Foot, Once in a Lifetime
Best Vacations: By Car, By Ship, By Foot, Once in a Lifetime Provided by Avenues to Wealth “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”¹ – Unknown If travel for you is less about escaping life and more about living it, then consider these vacation...